Do you know about - The extreme Antioxidant Cocktail For Poker Players
Alpha Lipoic Acid Neuropathy! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.My confession
What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Alpha Lipoic Acid Neuropathy. You look at this article for information on that wish to know is Alpha Lipoic Acid Neuropathy.How is The extreme Antioxidant Cocktail For Poker Players
Before I tell you my personal antioxidant cocktail for mental performance, I want to confess to you a secret of mine. This is hard for me because this is an uncomfortable topic. I unquestionably hate talking about it, but it's something I think you should know. Some people close to me may reconsider me to be slightly cheap. I rarely buy anyone new. I purchase refurbished electronics, used cars, clothes on the clearance rack, and generic medications. My popular shopping sites are, (I've driven 250 miles before to buy a used car),,, and any clothing store that has a clearance page. I unquestionably can't remember when was the last time I purchased an description of clothing that wasn't on clearance. I won't buy anyone with a price tag over without researching it for at least 5 hours. I have to get the best deal possible. I think it's a disease. I despise paying for something that's over-priced. Oh hell, I am a cheap bastard. I don't care because I save money, and that's money I work too damn hard for to waste on inflated prices.
When it comes to dietary supplements, I am no different. In an commerce that's filled with snake-oils and miracle-cures, I have to be even more alert and aggressive in my research. Like I've told you before, I've wasted practically ,000 over the last 10 years on dietary supplements. Over the last combine of years, I ultimately wised up, and decided that adequate was enough. No longer would I believe what every supplement manufactured told me. I'd first try to perfect my diet, then anyone supplements I needed thereafter, I'd look to the explore for answers. And that's exactly what I've done the last combine of years. Not only has my condition improved, but my wallet has gotten heavier too.
Bang for your buck
So why am I confessing to you my cheap lifestyle? I know that after I post my extreme antioxidant recipe, I will receive numerous e-mails and comments complaining that a unavoidable antioxidant wasn't included. I can already envision it. Joe Smith: "I can't believe you didn't include antioxidant 'x'. It's the best antioxidant out there. This just goes to show that you know nothing. You're a quack." Even though I appreciate negative feedback, I don't appreciate those kind of e-mails.
This recipe is not the end-all-be-all antioxidant recipe. This recipe gives you the most "bang for your buck." That's what my shopping doctrine is all about. The majority of antioxidants I get are from my diet. They come from the fruits and vegetables I eat. However, there are some supplements that even a perfect diet can't give you adequate of. The antioxidants listed below have the most explore supporting them along with having a whole lot of real-world feedback. I know a ton of very attractive people (many times more attractive than myself) that regularly take these antioxidants on a daily basis. Because of my economical lifestyle, I've premium these antioxidants below to cover all of my bases. However, don't think that because I'm cheap, I'm cutting corners. condition and effectiveness are my top priorities. I would never risk rescue a few bucks for quality.
The extreme antioxidant cocktail for mental performance
Let's take a diminutive to refresh why antioxidants are prominent for mental performance. Your brain uses more power than any organ in your body. The traditional source of power is created from glucose and oxygen. Whenever oxygen is complicated in the creation of energy, the risk of free radical formation is greatly increased. Free radicals are harmful substances that bind to anyone and everything. When they bind to something that's useful to your health, like cell membranes, the corollary is damage and dysfunction. Antioxidants bind to free radicals, thereby preventing them from damaging your cells. Not only does normal metabolism create free radicals, but so do sunlight, pollution, and your diet. Thus, the brain is under constant free radical attack. If you don't have adequate antioxidant protection, mental doing will suffer. Side note: Oxidative stress (free radical damage) is determined one of the possible causes of Alzheimer's disease. explore has unquestionably shown that the free radical damage precedes the disease. There are several clinical studies going on right now that are finding at the useful effects of antioxidants in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Now let's get to the cocktail
Vitamin C- in any place from 1000-2000mg as buffered ascorbate powder or ester-C
Because the body doesn't manufacture vitamin C, it must come from your diet. Even though it's determined a water soluble vitamin, it's still prominent for allowable brain functioning. Its traditional benefit for cognitive condition is its quality to help recycle vitamin E, a fat soluble antioxidant. However, that's not the traditional speculate I added it. I think this next benefit is often over-looked, and practically just as beneficial. A large estimate of vitamin C is stored in the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland is determined the stress gland. It releases cortisol and noradrenaline in times of stress. Think flight-or-fight when you think about the adrenal gland. Not only is a large estimate of vitamin C stored in the adrenal gland, but it's concept to play a major role in the creation of noradrenaline. Nor adrenaline, when in the brain, helps keep you awake and energized. A insufficiency in vitamin C can lead to a dysfunctional adrenal gland and a decreased estimate of noradrenaline, especially during times of mental stress. Cortisol helps raise your blood sugar when it drops too low while noradrenaline stimulates the brain. A dysfunction in whether of those will corollary in impaired cognitive performance. Did I mention that it's very cheap?
Vitamin E - 400-1000 Iu of d-alpha-tocopherol or the mixed tocopherol combination
I'm sure everybody already knows this, but vitamin E is determined by most to be the most prominent fat soluble antioxidant. Remember, the brain is largely composed of fat. Thus, it helps to assert the stability and integrity of the brain cell's membranes. I don't want to go into too much detail because there is a ton of explore supporting this. The majority of its benefits have been in the news for quite some time. A easy crusade on google will give you a list of benefits.
R-Alpha lipoic acid -300-1000mg per day
I'm unquestionably in love with this nutraceutical. Every month or so, a study comes out touting a new benefit of alpha lipoic acid. It's been used in peripheral neuropathy, blood glucose regulation, and cognitive disorders. Not only is it water-soluble, but it's also fat soluble. Thus, it can get in any place in the body. In addition, it fights a host of different free radicals such as peroxyl, peroxynitrite, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, and superoxide radicals, among many others. It also helps to recycle glutathione, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10, all prominent antioxidants. On top of its antioxidant properties, it's also prominent in cellular power production. It's been shown to improve mitochondrial function, neural blood flow, and nerve conduction along with upregulating several different enzymes that offer neural protection. The R isomer has been shown to be more excellent than the S isomer. Thus, I recommend choosing a product that just includes the R-isomer instead of the mixture.
Green Tea passage - in any place from 400-1200mg of Egcg
When most people hear Green tea, they think of fat-loss. Yes, it's great for weightloss, however its benefits don't stop there. It's also a very excellent antioxidant. It's unquestionably made up of several different nutraceuticals, along with caffeine, theanine, and Egcg, what I'm particularly curious in. Egcg is currently complicated in clinical trials that involve allergies, Alzheimer's disease, bladder cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, heart disease, diabetes, immune disorders, metabolic syndrome, stroke, among others. Needless to say, I'm a huge fan. In fact, it's in my top 3 supplements that everybody should take. Can you guess the other two? Magnesium and fish oil.
In increasing to its antioxidant properties in the brain, it has also been theorized that green tea prevents the breakdown of noradrenaline. I've already discussed the stimulatory effects on noradrenaline in the Cns. With these two "brain benefits", green tea is a must for the poker professional. I recommend taking the passage capsules because it becomes inconvenient to drink the large estimate of green tea that's required to reach the above dosage.
There you have it. That is my extreme antioxidant cocktail for mental performance. Cheap, yet very effective. I promise that you won't be disappointed. Begin taking it now. Not only does it help you in the future, but you'll feel the benefits within a combine weeks. power and antioxidants. Your brain will love you for it.
Clinical Studies
Here are just a few studies on alpha lipoic acid and its neuroprotective properties. Before you criticize that these studies involve mice, Alzheimer's patients, and patients with other neurodegenerative disorders, I know. However, I just wanted you to read them first. I'll illustrate later this week the value behind these studies, and what they mean for the average, salutary person. There are diminutive pieces of gold sprinkled throughout these studies. Mark my words, there will be a prescription medication in the future that contains some form of alpha-lipoic acid. Now whether it's for Alzheimer's Disease, diabetic neuropathy, or someone else condition, I don't know. However, the clinical evidence for Ala is mounting. Where there's clinical evidence, there's future prescription drugs. Look at fish oil and the prescription medication Lovaza. I certify it.
Alpha-lipoic acid as a new medicine option for Alzheimer's disease--a 48 months follow-up analysis.
Hager K, Kenklies M, McAfoose J, Engel J, Munch G.
Department of medical resumption and Geriatrics, Henriettenstiftung, Hannover, Germany.
Oxidative stress and neuronal power depletion are characteristic biochemical hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (Ad). It is therefore conceivable that pro-energetic and antioxidant drugs such as alpha-lipoic acid might delay the onset or slow down the progression of the disease. In a former study, 600mg alpha-lipoic acid was given daily to nine patients with Ad (receiving a acceptable medicine with choline-esterase inhibitors) in an open-label study over an notice period of 12 months. The medicine led to a stabilization of cognitive functions in the study group, demonstrated by constant scores in two neuropsychological tests (the mini mental state exam, Mmse and the Alzheimer's disease estimation score cognitive subscale, Adascog). In this report, we have extended the analysis to 43 patients over an notice period of up to 48 months. In patients with mild dementia (Adascog The effects and mechanisms of mitochondrial nutrient alpha-lipoic acid on improving age-associated mitochondrial and cognitive dysfunction: an overview.
Liu J.
Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia, University of California, 1261 Gillespie Neuroscience explore Facility, Irvine, Ca 92697, Usa.
We have identified a group of nutrients that can directly or indirectly safe mitochondria from oxidative damage and improve mitochondrial function and named them "mitochondrial nutrients". The direct safety includes preventing the generation of oxidants, scavenging free radicals or inhibiting oxidant reactivity, and elevating cofactors of defective mitochondrial enzymes with increased Michaelis-Menten constant to stimulate enzyme activity, and also safe enzymes from supplementary oxidation, and the indirect safety includes repairing oxidative damage by improving antioxidant defense systems whether through activation of phase 2 enzymes or through increase in mitochondrial biogenesis. In this review, we take alpha-lipoic acid (La) as an example of mitochondrial nutrients by summarizing the protective effects and possible mechanisms of La and its derivatives on age-associated cognitive and mitochondrial dysfunction of the brain. La and its derivatives improve the age-associated decline of memory, improve mitochondrial structure and function, inhibit the age-associated increase of oxidative damage, elevate the levels of antioxidants, and restore the operation of key enzymes. In addition, co-administration of La with other mitochondrial nutrients, such as acetyl-L: -carnitine and coenzyme Q10, appears more effective in improving cognitive dysfunction and reducing oxidative mitochondrial dysfunction. Therefore, administrating mitochondrial nutrients, such as La and its derivatives in blend with other mitochondrial nutrients to aged people and patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, may be an effective strategy for improving mitochondrial and cognitive dysfunction.
Radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction and cerebellar oxidative stress in mice: protective corollary of alpha-lipoic acid.
Manda K, Ueno M, Moritake T, Anzai K.
National manufacture of Radiological Sciences, Chiba-shi-263-8555, Japan.
Reactive oxygen species are involved in neurodegeneration and cognitive disorders due to higher vulnerability of neuronal tissues. The cerebellum is recently reported to be complicated in cognitive function. Therefore, gift study aimed at investigating the role alpha-lipoic acid against radiation-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant status in cerebellum and its correlation with cognitive dysfunction. We observed spontaneous motor activities and spatial memory task of mice using pyroelectric infrared sensor and programmed video tracking system, respectively. Whole body X-irradiation (6 Gy) of mice substantially impaired the reference memory and motor activities of mice. However, acute intraperitoneal medicine of mice with alpha-lipoic acid prior to irradiation significantly attenuated such cognitive dysfunction. Alpha-lipoic acid pretreatment exerted a very high magnitude of safety against radiation-induced augmentation of protein carbonyls and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (Tbars) in mice cerebellum. Further, radiation-induced deficit of total, nonprotein and protein-bound sulfhydryl (T-Sh, Np-Sh, Pb-Sh) contents of cerebellum and plasma ferric reducing power (Frap) was also inhibited by alpha-lipoic acid pre-treatment. Moreover, alpha-lipoic acid treated mice showed an intact cytoarchitecture of cerebellum, higher counts of intact Purkinje cells and granular cells in comparison to untreated irradiated mice. Results clearly indicate that alpha-lipoic acid is potent neuroprotective antioxidant.
Lipoic acid as a novel medicine for Alzheimer's disease and associated dementias.
Holmquist L, Stuchbury G, Berbaum K, Muscat S, Young S, Hager K, Engel J, Münch G.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Comparative Genomics Centre, School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
Alzheimer's disease (Ad) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that destroys outpatient memory and cognition, transportation quality with the public environment and the quality to carry out daily activities. Despite allinclusive explore into the pathogenesis of Ad, a neuroprotective medicine - particularly for the early stages of disease - remains unavailable for clinical use. In this review, we progress the advice that lipoic acid (La) may fulfil this therapeutic need. A simply occurring precursor of an necessary cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes, along with pyruvate dehydrogenase (Pdh) and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (Kgdh), La has been shown to have a range of properties which can interfere with pathogenic system of Ad. For example, La increases acetylcholine (Ach) production by activation of choline acetyltransferase and increases glucose uptake, thus supplying more acetyl-CoA for the production of Ach. La chelates redox-active transition metals, thus inhibiting the formation of hydroxyl radicals and also scavenges reactive oxygen species (Ros), thereby increasing the levels of reduced glutathione. Via the same mechanisms, downregulation redox-sensitive inflammatory processes is also achieved. Furthermore, La can scavenge lipid peroxidation products such as hydroxynonenal and acrolein. The reduced form of La, dihydrolipoic acid (Dhla), is the active blend responsible for most of these useful effects. R-alpha-La can be applied instead of Dhla, as it is reduced by mitochondrial lipoamide dehydrogenase, a part of the Pdh complex. In this review, the properties of La are explored with particular emphasis on how this agent, particularly the R-alpha-enantiomer, may be effective to treat Ad and associated dementias.
My Opinion
Ok, Ok, I know what you're thinking. How in the hell are these studies going to convince me to start using alpha lipoic acid (R-Ala)? Stay with me for a minute. I promise I'll show you how you'll benefit from these studies.
Patents = Big money
First and foremost, finding clinical studies supporting nutraceuticals is practically like finding a needle in a haystack. Rarely will you be able to find a study that fully supports your research. Why? There's no money in it. I think I used this example before, but it's so true, you need to hear it again. The majority of clinical studies are funded by drug companies. It's a love-hate relationship in the middle of drug associates and the medical field. We hate the drug associates because they operate the majority of medical information and tend to be biased as to what works and what doesn't. Even my pharmaceutics lab was fully funded by Pfizer, rightfully nicknamed Pfizerceutics. However, we love them because they dump a ton of money into research. Without their support, major medical advances would be far and few between. One study (and it doesn't even have to be well designed) showing a drug's superiority can make a Huge behalf for a drug company, several hundreds of millions of dollars worth, because of this nifty idea called a drug patent.
Dietary supplements and snake oil
That's not the case when it comes to nutraceuticals and nutrition. There's no such thing as a patent when it comes to "natural" therapies. If a study shows that nutraceutical "x" can cure cancer, thousands of associates would flood the market with that nutraceutical thereby wiping out any behalf you'd hope to have. On top of that, the dietary supplement commerce is largely unregulated. It's the Fda's responsibility to prove that a dietary supplement is unsafe or ineffective, not the firm selling the product. Thus, even if a study does prove the nutraceutical is effective, there are so many associates that will sell whether a diluted-down version of it or something slightly different to make a larger behalf that it tarnishes that nutraceutical's reputation. That was exactly what happened with Hoodia. One version of Hoodia unquestionably does suppress appetite quite well. However, it's costly and hard to get. So what did these dietary supplement associates do? Flood the market with bad versions of Hoodia.
Thus, what I'm trying to say, is you have to be very acceptable when you read a clinical study, especially attractive nutraeuticals. It takes a trained eye to find possible biases, manufacture flaws, and sometimes straight-up lies in a clinical study. On top of that, you'll never find the perfect clinical study. Thus, you'll need to be able to extrapolate information from one study into your current situation. You'll need a strong understanding of anatomy and physiology along with a watchful eye.
My treasure chest
Case in point, those studies I listed yesterday. To the normal person, if you don't have a neurological dysfunction or are a mouse, those studies are useless. However, I think they're gold mines. Why? First, they show that R-Ala contains neuroprotective properties and may even reverse or halt cognitive decline/dysfunction. Those studies show me exactly how R-Ala accomplishes this, thus allowing me to evaluate whether it makes sense in a physiological way. Which it does. In fact, 6 years ago when I began finding at R-Ala, the mechanism of operation behind it made sense. Now I have studies supporting this.
Secondly, even though those studies complicated people at the far end of the cognitive scale, I strongly believe that everybody will sense cognitive decline, even more so now than 50 years ago. Today pollution, pesticides, our diet, medications, and our normal lifestyles are killing our brain cells. Just take a look at the estimate of "new" neurodegenerative diseases people are being diagnosed with. Take a look at the estimate of psychological diseases that have been created in the last 10 years. The medical community, along with the normal public, is fully overlooking brain health. We're so focused on cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc that we don't even stop to think about our brains. Everyone, young and old, is experiencing cognitive decline Right Now.
Yes, these studies were done on a cohort of people and animals that I am not a part of. However, I find more similarities in the middle of myself and these studies, than I do differences. These studies tell me one thing: R-Ala, from a physiological standpoint, is neuroprotective. That, to me, speaks volumes. If numerous clinical studies are evaluating R-Ala's effectiveness for different medical conditions, then person somewhere more attractive than myself knows just how prominent R-Ala is. Clinical studies cost way too much money to be conducted on guesses.
In addition, 3 of those 4 studies are relatively well done. The 4th study is unquestionably a review. They're all manufacture the exact same conclusion: R-Ala reduces the estimate of oxidative stress associated with free radicals thus resulting in its neuroprotective properties. One closing by all 4 studies. Impressive.
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