Do you know about - Diabetes - The Echo corollary
Alpha Lipoic Acid Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.Over the years, I've talked about various aspects of diabetes, but never indubitably devoted an entire newsletter to the subject. Yes, high fructose corn syrup, starches, and added sugars are a problem, but they only scratch the surface of the issue.
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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Alpha Lipoic Acid Weight Loss.The Diabetes Echo Effect
Type 2 diabetes is not like any other disease. Most diseases such as cancer and Ms are linear. In other words, you get the disease and it progresses in a level line, from point A to point B. It may have regressions and remissions in which it backs up on its linear path for a bit, but then it picks up steam and once again proceeds on down the same track to its extreme conclusion. Diabetes does not do that.
Diabetes indubitably follows multiple, mutually reinforcing paths -- an echo corollary if you will, with each echo reinforcing and amplifying all the other echoes, or "effects". This contrast is of vital significance because it mandates manifold points of intervention if you wish to reverse diabetes and not just slow its progression.
Reversing Diabetes Begins with insight Insulin
Despite long intervals between meals and the erratic intake of high glycemic carbohydrates, blood sugar levels usually remain within a narrow range. In most humans, this range is from about 70-110 mg per dl. (Note: a blood sugar reading of 100 equates to about 1/5 of an ounce of sugar (5 g) total in the bloodstream of an midpoint 165 lb (75 kg) male. That's it: 1/5 of an ounce.
The body's mechanisms for restoring normal blood glucose levels when it drops surface of its range (either low or high) are highly effective and effective.
High blood sugar levels are regulated by the hormone insulin, which is produced by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. These cells are highly sensitive to variations in blood glucose levels and, under normal circumstances, rejoinder with phenomenal speed to any variation.
When you eat high glycemic foods, you suddenly increase the number of sugar in your blood. This increase triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to publish insulin, which travels in the blood to cells throughout the body, where it facilitates the uptake of sugar in the personel cells so that it can be fast converted to energy. If you eat too much sugar, insulin tells the body to store the excess sugar as glycogen in the liver (and also, to a lesser degree, in muscle tissue). When the glucose levels come down to approved levels, this triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to stop the production and publish of insulin, which allows the process to stabilize. When blood glucose levels drop too low, however, the hormone glucagon is released from alpha cells (located in the pancreas), which triggers the publish of sugar stored in the liver as glycogen; thus, once again bringing blood sugar levels back to normal. One foremost note: publish of insulin is strongly inhibited by the stress hormone, noradrenaline, which is why blood sugar levels increase so dramatically while stress.
The introductory "Sound": Insulin Resistance
On the surface of the cells of your body sit insulin receptors. These wee "lock and key" chemical gateways act like wee doors that open and close to regulate the inflow of blood sugar. After many years of spellbinding a high-glycemic diet, these cells come to be damaged by exposure to so much insulin that their "doors" begin to malfunction and shut down.
As a result, the fat cells, muscle cells, and liver cells of the body come to be resistant to insulin so that normal amounts of insulin are no longer sufficient to produce a normal response. The cells need ever and ever greater quantities of insulin to perform even the most minimal response. Insulin resistance in fat cells results in the breakdown of stored triglycerides, which elevates free fatty acids in the blood. Insulin resistance in muscle cells reduces glucose uptake which keeps sugar levels high in the blood, and insulin resistance in liver cells reduces glucose storage, which also raises blood glucose levels.
The First Diabetic Echo: Increased production of Insulin
To continue the "door analogy" we started above -- with fewer doors open, as we mentioned, your body needs to produce ever more insulin to "push" the glucose into the cells. More insulin causes even more doors to close and as this vicious cycle continues, a health called "insulin resistance" sets in.
This is a traditional cause and corollary response by your body. If normal insulin levels are not sufficient to make the cells behave properly, the beta cells in your pancreas continue to sense high levels of glucose in the blood; they thus go into overdrive to pump out ever greater quantities of insulin in an effort to bring blood sugar levels back to normal. In most cases, this extra insulin is sufficient to bring things back under control -- for a time -- but with two necessary side effects:
It puts undue stress on the beta cells in the pancreas. They can only control in overdrive for a wee duration of time before they burn out. At that point, not only can they no longer produce sufficient levels of insulin even under prodding, they have effectively lost all ability to produce insulin under any conditions. They are burnt out.
The increased insulin comes with a whole host of its own side effects. See Echo Three below.
The Second Diabetic Echo: High Sugar Damage
Too much sugar in the blood leads to increased thirst in the body's effort to get rid of the extra sugar. This leads to increased urination and starts putting an extra burden on your kidneys. Too much sugar causes the small blood vessels throughout the body to narrow as your body tries to abate the damage caused to organs by minimizing the ability of the excess sugar to reach them. The higher the blood sugar level, the more the small blood vessels narrow. The blood vessels thus carry less blood, and circulation is impaired. Poor circulation in turn results in complications such as: kidney disease, poor wound healing, and foot and eye problems. This sugar imbalance also alters fat metabolism, expanding the risk that cholesterol-laden plaque will build up in the large blood vessels. Finally, sugar also sticks to proteins, in corollary carmelizing them, causing their structural and functional properties to be changed. It is a traditional suspect that wounds don't heal since they have problem manufacture ability collagen, the connective tissue that is the major structural protein in the body.
The bottom line is that habitancy who have diabetes are at necessary risk of manifold "complications."
In addition, as we mentioned earlier, stress results in the adrenal glands pumping adrenaline into the bloodstream which increases free fatty acids in the blood and shuts off the publish of insulin. In obesity, less and less insulin is able to reach the insulin-responsive muscles. In the end, there is not sufficient insulin to meet the demand.
Diabetic neuropathy (damage to nerves caused by diabetes) affects the peripheral nerves, such as those in the feet, hands and legs. Symptoms contain numbness, tingling and pain.
The Third Diabetic Echo: Excess Insulin Damage
Excess sugar is not the only qoute related with diabetes. Excess insulin is also a killer. Insulin is the expert hormone of your metabolism. When it is out of equilibrium and your insulin levels are consistently elevated, a long list of deadly complications are created:
Heart Disease
Hardening of the Arteries
Damage to Artery Walls (elevated insulin levels are directly concerned in the damage done to arterial walls that leads to atherosclerosis)
Increased Cholesterol Levels
Increased Triglycerides
Elevated Blood Pressure
Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies
Kidney Disease
Fat Burning Mechanism Turned Off
Accumulation and warehouse of Fat
Weight Gain -- Obesity
The Fourth Diabetic Echo: Destruction of the Beta Cells
This is the big echo in which all the other echoes get ramped up to catastrophic levels.
When blood sugar levels rise even slightly above 100 for as wee as two hours, beta cell failure is detectable. habitancy that declare blood sugar levels of as wee as 110 can lose as much as 40% of their beta cell capacity in as wee as two years.
In other words, the very cells of your body responsible for keeping blood sugar under control are destroyed by the excess blood sugar that they are unable to control, which echoes back on the beta cells in the pancreas, destroying them and thus causing blood sugar levels to rise even further. This then reverberates straight through the body once again, echoing back once more on the pancreas, killing even more beta cells -- on and on until there are no beta cells left to destroy.
Echo Five: Breakdown of the Body
At a safe bet point in the process, when your body can no longer produce any insulin and resists even the insulin you take straight through injection, you begin to perceive the ravages of diabetes. At that point, you're seeing at:
Kidney failure
Heart disease
Summarizing the Diabetic Echo Effect
Let's say you start developing the early signs of diabetes and you conclude to clean up your diet. The qoute is that you've already started the echoes. So although your diet may now have lower amounts of sugar, your pancreas is compromised so that it can't produce sufficient insulin to handle even normal amounts of sugar, and the cells of your body are now resistant to insulin so that even if your pancreas weren't damaged, it couldn't produce sufficient insulin. This means that sugar levels remain high in your bloodstream even though you've corrected your diet, and the diabetic damage continues apace.
But it doesn't stop there. Remeber, an entirely separate echo has also been set in motion. As a corollary of the higher than normal levels of sugar and insulin in your blood, you've damaged your kidneys so that they can no longer fully cleanse your blood of waste. That means that even if you are able to reestablish normal blood sugar levels, the toxins not cleared by your kidneys continue to damage the organs of your body -- including the pancreas and the kidneys, which means the damage continues apace and at last your pancreas and kidneys will fail.
Don't worry. Although the situation may sound grim, it's not hopeless. It does, however, present the limitations of the healing approach, and it does show why the Baseline of health program, which deals with the whole body all at once, is likely to produce significantly better results than the healing approach.
So What Can You Do About Diabetes?
Standard healing rehabilitation offers some flawed approaches:
Drugs like metformin seek to inhibit the absorption of high glycemic carbohydrates in the intestinal tract and heighten insulin sensitivity in the body, thereby reducing the need for extra insulin.
The major qoute with metformin is its corollary on the gastrointestinal system, ranging from a mild loss of appetite to nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, cramps, flatulence and diarrhea. Many patients find these symptoms impossible to cope with and stop the tablets within days.
Lactic acidosis is a rare but risky side corollary of metformin. This is a serious health where the cells of the body do not get sufficient oxygen to survive. It is caused by a build up of lactic acid in the blood. Most of the cases described have been in habitancy whose kidneys were not working well (as we've already seen, an safe bet qoute with diabetes).
Drugs like glyburide work by stimulating the pancreas to publish more insulin.
Glyburide is so effective that you need to carry glucose pills with you in case you produce so much insulin that your blood sugar drops too low and you fall into a diabetic coma. Although this rarely happens, it is indicative of the larger problems with glyburide:
It raises insulin levels so high that your body faces all of the problems of high insulin levels discussed above.
It doesn't repair beta cells; it just military them to work harder -- thus speeding up the day when they break down and come to be dysfunctional.
Extra insulin in the form of pills or injections cover you when the beta cells in your pancreas have burned out and can no longer produce sufficient insulin by themselves or even when stimulated by drugs such as glyburide -- until, that is, your body's insulin resistance is so high that no number of insulin is sufficient for the task at hand. At that point, your body goes into rapid decay.
A Diabetic Alternative: Stopping the Echoes
Obviously, any viable alternative needs to address the problems that medicines do not. They also need to work "with" the body so that they can work long term -- not squeeze your body dry until it at last breaks down. And finally, any viable alternative needs to stop all of the echoes -- all of them without irregularity -- so that nothing bounces back to retrigger the problems.
With that in mind, in expanding to changing your diet (no more sodas and high glycemic snack food), you will want to peruse the following options:
Inhibit absorption of high glycemic foods, without creating unwelcome responses in the intestinal tract, such as those experienced using metformin. This can be ended with the following herbs:
Nopal cactus
Gymnema sylvestre
Naturally reverse insulin resistance so less insulin is required through:
Konjac mannan
Cinnulin Pf
Chromium Gtf
Omega-3 fatty acids
Repair beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas to optimize insulin production reserves as opposed to forcing the cells to dramatically overproduce as with glyburide, which leads to safe bet burn out.
Gymnema sylvestre
Alpha lipoic acid or R lipoic acid
Lower blood sugar levels straight through permissible diet and herbal supplementation:
Fenugreek extract
Momordica charantia
Corosolic acid
Reduce stress. Remember, adrenaline suppresses the publish of insulin.
Protect organs and proteins from damage caused by higher than normal levels of sugar straight through a aggregate of antioxidants and nutraceuticals such as:
Alpha lipoic acid or R lipoic acid
Protect organs from damage caused by higher than normal insulin levels by cleaning the blood and by using:
A blood cleansing formula
Proteolytic enzymes
Omega-3 fatty acids
The bottom line to preventing and reversing diabetes is to do everything, and do it all at once. Since diabetes is not a single level line progression disease, you need to stop every single "echo" so that no aspect of the disease can reverberate and start the whole process spellbinding downhill again. You need to stop it all or it will all start again.
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